Every transaction has its process. Until you submit to it, you will always be living below potential.

Bidemi MarkMordi
Some Similar Quotes
  1. The best things in life make you sweaty. - Edgar Allan Poe

  2. It does not matter how long you are spending on the earth, how much money you have gathered or how much attention you have received. It is the amount of positive vibration you have radiated in life that matters, - Amit Ray

  3. Vulnerability is the birthplace of love, belonging, joy, courage, empathy, and creativity. It is the source of hope, empathy, accountability, and authenticity. If we want greater clarity in our purpose or deeper and more meaningful spiritual lives, vulnerability is the path. - Unknown

  4. God's definition of what matters is pretty straightforward. He measures our lives by how we love. - Francis Chan

  5. It's funny. No matter how hard you try, you can't close your heart forever. And the minute you open it up, you never know what's going to come in. But when it does, you just have to go for it! Because if you don't, there's... - Kirstie Alley

More Quotes By Bidemi MarkMordi
  1. Stop praying that God should make you a leader if you are not ready to do hard work.

  2. Success is possible to anyone who sets his heart to it. Whatever we dream of can become reality if we put ourselves to work.

  3. To move from here to there, sometimes there is a need to suspend the present realities; they can be a distraction.

  4. No person wakes up and finds themselves on the world stage. When that happens, it is in the movies.

  5. Success should be an ambition within the parameters of Purpose.

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